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Welcome to the CDXZipStream April 2015 Newsletter


This month we review the age-based demographics data available in the CDXZipStream Premium and Premium ACS versions.  This data is sourced from the American Community Survey and decennial censuses.  We also highlight the wide range of resources available for Canada in both CDXZipStream and CDXStreamer, including driving and route optimization, geocoding, address verification (in CDXZipStream only) as well as postal code analysis.


Get Age Demographics Using CDXZipStream

Age is one of the more important demographic factors that influences buying habits, due to the cultural, social, and economic changes that occur with each generation. This has always been the case to some extent, but the differences between generations are now especially marked, and very much driven by technology. Will Millennials ever desire the big-ticket items, like the cars their parents bought, over smaller high-tech devices?  A 25-year-old who prefers the experiential (travel, entertainment, music) over the material (cars, jewelry, homes) may never adopt the traditional consumer buying habits that help drive the current economy.


Age demographics are available from the 2000 and 2010 decennial censuses, and the American Community Survey (ACS), which are included in the Premium and Premium ACS versions of CDXZipStream. Age is available by state, county, CBSA (Core Based Statistical Area), city, and ZCTA (ZIP Codes) from the ACS, and by ZCTA only from the decennial censuses. The ACS data also includes household income by four age groups.


Here's a short tutorial showing how to obtain age data from the ACS using CDXZipStream:


How to Get Age Demographics

How to Get Age Demographics



To upgrade your current license to either the CDXZipStream Premium or Premium ACS version, select "Upgrade License" in the account area of and follow the purchasing process. 


Canadian Data Resources

Here's a roundup of the Canadian postal code and location-based data in our products.


In CDXZipStream, the MapPoint-based functions CDXRouteMP and CDXLocateMP can perform driving calculations, route optimization, geocoding, reverse geocoding, and address verification in Canada. Due to the number of codes (there are over 800,000 Canadian postal codes versus about 40,000 in the U.S.), CDXZipStream can only return the first three digits of a postal code in Canada. For more information please refer to the article Using CDXLocateMP to get Postal Code Data in MapPoint NA and Europe.


CDXZipStream also uses a separate Canadian database that supports the following functions:

     - CDXDistance calculates the straight-line distance between any two postal codes.  


     - CDXFindZip performs lookups of postal codes based on state or province, or city.


     - CDXZipList creates lists of codes and provides associated city, county, and state or province data.


     - CDXClosestZip finds the closest, second-closest, and third-closest zip or postal code from a target code, especially useful for identifying retail stores closest to a customer.


     - CDXRadius will find a list of postal codes within a specified distance around a target code. We also offer a free Excel template for automatically performing radius analysis in both the U.S. and Canada, shown here:


Find U.S. ZIP and Canadian Postal Codes in a Radius

Find U.S. ZIP and Canadian Postal Codes in a Radius


The Canadian database for CDXZipStream is an additional purchase, and is a purchasing option in the "Buy Additional License" area of your account.


CDXStreamer is a web-based Excel add-in where the complete Canadian postal code database is accessible from CDX Technology servers. Postal code data from CDXStreamer includes latitude and longitude, city, and province.  Please refer to our website for information on pricing options. 



Latest Data Updates


Canadian and U.S. data feeds were updated as of April 27.  There were 31 changes made to the U.S. database this month.  If you would like to update your database to reflect these changes, click on the "License Information and Software Updates" icon on the CDXZipStream toolbar, and select "Data Updates" to login to your account.


We hope you find the information here helpful for you and your organization.  You can contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.


The Team at CDX Technologies 

April 2015



Map of the World


In This Issue 


Get Age Demographics Using CDXZipStream


Canadian Data Resources


Data Updates













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