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Welcome to the CDXZipStream December 2014 Newsletter


We show you how to re-enable macros in CDXZipStream templates that were disabled with the latest security update of Microsoft Office. We also show you how you can find the list of ZIP Codes within a driving radius.

Our latest blog article:

- What's the Difference Between the Decennial Census and American Community Survey?


How to Re-Enable Template Macros

The security update (MS14-082) of Microsoft Office from December 9 has inadvertently disabled ActiveX controls in Microsoft Excel.  If you use our CDXZipStream templates, this means that the control boxes in the spreadsheets will not function properly; you may also see run-time error 438 "object doesn't support this property or method."  In effect, the macros that run the template are disabled.

To fix this, delete the cached versions of the control type libraries (extender files) on your computer. Search the hard disk for files that have the ".exd" file-name extension, and delete all the MSForms.exd files that you find.  For more information (as well as an automated fix), please see this Microsoft Support article.


To get immediate notification of problems such as this, follow us on Twitter or join us on Facebook using the links at the top of this newsletter.


How to Find ZIP Codes within a Driving Radius

CDXZipStream does not have a special function for finding ZIP Codes within a driving radius, but you can use both the functions CDXRadius and CDXRouteMP to get the desired result.  As an example, let's say we're looking for all ZIP Codes within a 50-mile driving distance of ZIP Code 12345.  The first step is to find the ZIP Codes within a somewhat larger straight-line radius, using CDXRadius  For this case let's use 75 miles.  This will capture all the ZIP Codes within the 50-mile driving radius, plus additional codes we can remove later.  So the input for CDXRadius is:

  Insert CDXRadius Dialog

Once we have the returned list of zip codes from CDXRadius, we'll use CDXRouteMP to calculate the driving distance between each of these zips and our target zip.  Again, we right-click on the worksheet, select CDXRouteMP, and use this following input to calculate the driving distance to 12345:


CDXRadius Dialog


The first returned zip code from CDXRadius (other than the target zip in the first row) is in worksheet cell A2.  We use this as the second address in the calculation, so when we copy the resulting formula it will apply to all zip codes in each row.  The formula we obtain from this is:


We can copy this formula all along the list in Column C to get all the driving distances for all zip codes.  Columns A and B show the zip codes and their straight-line distances from the target, as calculated by CDXRadius, and column C is the calculated driving distance from CDXRouteMP.   Now just use Excel's sort or auto-filter to find ZIP Codes within a 50-mile driving distance.  When using auto-filter, select a "Number Filter" of "Less Than Or Equal To" 50 for column C, and only those rows with distances of 50 or less will be visible in the worksheet.  You now have a complete list of ZIP Codes within a 50 mile driving radius of ZIP Code 12345.



Latest Data Updates


Canadian and U.S. data feeds were updated as of December 26.  There were 40 changes made to the U.S. database this month.  If you would like to update your database to reflect these changes, click on the "License Information and Software Updates" icon on the CDXZipStream toolbar, and select "Data Updates" to login to your account.


We hope you find the information here helpful for you and your organization.  Please contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.


The Team at CDX Technologies 

December 2014



Map of the World


In This Issue 


How to Re-Enable Template Macros


How to Find ZIP Codes within a Driving Radius


Data Updates



