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Welcome to the CDXZipStream May 2015 Newsletter


Our next release of CDXZipStream will be compatible with 32 and 64-bit Microsoft Excel.  MapPoint functionality will be completely retained in this version.  It will allow users to perform product registration and updating right from the toolbar, instead of from our website.  All templates will also be compatible with 32 and 64-bit Excel. 


If you would like to be part of a beta testing group for this new version, please contact us by replying to this email, or at

The Next CDXZipStream Release Works with 32 and 64-bit Excel  

(... and we're looking for beta testers!)


The next release of CDXZipStream will be compatible with both 32 and 64-bit Excel.  It will include all MapPoint functionality, and will allow product registration and upgrades, as well as data updating, directly from the main toolbar.  Pricing information will be provided at the time of release.

Many of our clients asked for a CDXZipStream that could be used with the very large worksheets that 64-bit Excel makes possible.  But MapPoint is only available as 32-bit, and we initially didn't think it was feasible to retain MapPoint functionality while upgrading to a 64-bit platform.  This (happily) turned out not to be the case.     

However, the code modifications made in this newest version of CDXZipStream are significant, and before its general release we'd like to have some of our current users test drive it first.   If you're interested, you can reply to this email, or contact us at  Testers can use either 32-bit or 64-bit Excel, with Excel versions 2007 or higher with Windows XP or higher.  Thank you in advance for your help!


Templates will be 64-bit Compatible Too


In conjunction with the upcoming release of CDXZipStream, we will also reissue our free, formatted templates to be compatible with both 32 and 64-bit Excel.  These templates are designed for analysis of large data sets, but their ease-of-use makes them ideal for almost all cases where there's a need to perform driving calculations, geocoding, radius analysis, and more.  Some other advantages include:


Speed:  The code within the templates accesses CDXZipStream functions directly instead of through  Excel worksheet functions.  This usually speeds up processing times required for large data sets.


Data is returned as values:  Worksheet formulas can slow down Excel.  The templates return values, not formulas, which is also more appropriate for large data sets.


Progress tracking:  With Excel 2007 and higher an indicator in the status bar shows the progress of the calculations. 


The new templates will be compatible with CDZipstream and Microsoft MapPoint trial versions.  For more information on the types of calculations they can do, please see the article Pick Your Excel Template.  



Latest Data Updates


Canadian and U.S. data feeds were updated as of May 27.  There were 54 changes made to the U.S. database this month.  If you would like to update your database to reflect these changes, click on the "License Information and Software Updates" icon on the CDXZipStream toolbar, and select "Data Updates" to login to your account.


We hope you find the information here helpful for you and your organization.  You can contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.


The Team at CDX Technologies 

May 2015



Map of the World


In This Issue 


The Next CDXZipStream Release Works with 32 and 64-bit Excel


Templates will be 64-bit Compatible Too


Data Updates



