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Welcome to the CDXZipStream September 2011 Newsletter


Great news this month if you need census data:  The US Census Bureau has just finished releasing the Summary File (SF-1) for the 2010 Census, including data by zip code.  Our latest data update on September 26 includes this census data for critical fields such as population and household counts, available in our Premium Zip Code data feed.  We also review the procedure for cases where the CDXZipStream add-in has been inadvertently disabled.


There are three new blog articles: 

  - Income and Other Economic Demographics from CDXZipStream   

It's Here!  2010 Census Data by Zip Code


We were pleasantly surprised to see that the United States Census Bureau released their Summary File (SF-1)United State Census 2010data in late August, and included data by zip code*.  (We had been told earlier this year that the zip code compilation would be delayed until 2012 or 2013.) With our data update of September 26, the following 15 data fields will contain 2010 Census Data: 


Population                           PersonsPerHousehold

MalePopulation                    Asian Population

FemalePopulation                BlackPopulation

MedianAge                          HawaiianPopulation

MedianAgeMale                   HispanicPopulation

MedianAgeFemale               OtherPopulation

HouseholdsPerZipcode         IndianPopulation



All of these data fields are available in our Premium Zip Code data feed that comes with the Demographic, Premium, and Premium ACS versions of CDXZipStream.  (See how the different versions compare here.)  If you already own one of these versions and would like to purchase a data update to include the most recent census data, click on the "License Information and Software Updates" icon on the CDXZipStream toolbar, and select "Data Updates" to login to your account.  If you've forgotten your user name or password, please contact us at


To see a quick tutorial on how to use CDXZipStream to get census data by zip code, please see our YouTube video Demographic Data in Excel.


*The Census Bureau refers to zip codes as Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) because the data is compiled based on an approximation of zip codes as defined by the U.S. Postal Service.  Please see our blog article about ZCTA's for more information.


What to do if CDXZipStream has been Disabled ...


Microsoft Office applications will sometimes disable an add-in like CDXZipStream if the application has become unstable or has failed while the add-in was loaded or running.  This may happen, for instance, if the Task Manager has been used to close Excel or kill a running process.  If CDXZipStream is disabled, its formulas and custom functions will not work and may show a value of $NAME? or #N/A in the worksheet cell.  The toolbar may also not be visible.  Here's what you can do about it:


In Excel 2003 select the Excel Menu item "Help" and the click on "About Microsoft Excel". In the lower right hand corner of the screen that appears press "Disabled Items". If any add-ins beginning with CDXZipStream appear, click on them to re-enable. Then restart Excel. 


If you don't see the CDXZipStream toolbar under the "Add-ins" menu item in Excel 2007 click the Microsoft Office Button (the big circle in the upper left hand corner) , click Excel Options, and then click Add-Ins. Check the "Inactive Application Add-ins" or "Disabled Application Add-ins" for add-ins that start with CDXZipStream. If any appear, use the "Manage" function at the bottom of the screen. Select the type "Disabled Application Add-ins" and then press the "Go" button. Enable any add-ins that begin with CDXZipStream.  

In Excel 2010 use File-Options and then click Add-Ins. Check the "Inactive Application Add-ins" or "Disabled Application Add-ins" for add-ins that start with CDXZipStream. If any appear, use the "Manage" function at the bottom of the screen. Select the type "Disabled Application Add-ins" and then press the "Go" button. Enable any add-ins that begin with CDXZipStream.  

If no CDXZipStream add-ins are disabled use the "Manage" function and select the type "Com Add-ins" and then press the "Go" button. In the screen that appears make sure that add-ins with CDXZipStream are checked and press "OK". 

In Excel 2007/2010 if the above steps do not resolve the problem please try the following:

1. In Excel Options - Addins use the Manage Function at the bottom of the screen. 
2. Select the type "Com Add-ins" and then press the "Go" button. 
3. Click on the unchecked CDXZipStream add-in function and then press "Remove". 
4. Click on "Add" and then browse to the file C:\Program Files\CDXZipStream\CDXZipStream.dll and press OK.  In     64 bit versions of Windows the Program Files directory is named Program Files (x86).
5. The CDXZipStream add-in should be added and be checked. Click on OK. 


September Data Updates


CDXZipStream data feeds were updated as of September 26.  Like last month there was an unusually large number of changes (9,422) to the zip code database due to the annual revamping of the data performed by the USPS.  If you would like to update your database to reflect these changes, click on the "License Information and Software Updates" icon on the CDXZipStream toolbar, and select "Data Updates" to login to your account.  If you've forgotten your user name or password, please contact us at


We hope you find the information here helpful for you and your organization.  Please contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.

The Team at CDX Technologies  

September 2011



Map of the World


In This Issue

2010 Census Data by Zip Code


What to do if CDXZipStream has been disabled


September Data Updates









CDX Technologies | 2 West Hanover Avenue | Suite 212 | Randolph | NJ | 07869