Insert MapPoint Maps
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For a general overview of how to insert data and functions into your worksheet, please refer to the topic Inserting Data and Functions.

CDXZipStream™ can create radius, route, drive-time and location maps using Microsoft MapPoint. Using MapPoint in the background, you can directly insert Maps in an Excel worksheet using the right-click functions. This feature is in addition to the CDXZipCode functions that insert hyperlinks to MapQuest and Google maps. This feature requires Microsoft MapPoint and is only available in MapPoint-compatible versions of CDXZipStream™. The maps are "snapshot" files and cannot be directly edited.

Using the CDXRadius function, select "Insert Radius Map" in the "Result Output" dropdown list to create a custom radius map:


Also with the CDXRadius function, select "Insert Drive Time Map" in the "Result Output" dropdown list to display a polygon delineating the area within a specific drive time of the zip code:


With the CDXRouteMP function, choose "Insert Route Map" in the "Route Calculation" list:


Using the CDLocateMP function, select "Insert Location Map" in the "Returned Data" list create a custom map as shown below.
