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Welcome to the CDX Technologies January 2018 Newsletter


We issue a final notice outlining a new encryption standard for our servers and products going into effect in February 2018.  Also covered are two new cloud-based tools for ZIP Code Radius Demographics and ZIP Code Demographics By State or County now available on our website.


Here is our latest blog posting:


Update for TLS 1.2 Encryption Requirement


This is our final notice that we will be eliminating support of the older https encryption standards TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 on our servers in February 2018.  We covered the reasons for this change in our November 2017 newsletter.  These older standards have been identified as not being as secure as the latest standard TLS 1.2.  With this change we have updated both CDXZipStream and CDXStreamer to default to this protocol.  Please download and install the latest versions of our software to be compatible with this change.


Check that you have CDXZipStream version or higher in the CDXZipStream Account menu in Excel.  The correct CDXStreamer version is or higher in the CDXStreamer Settings function in Excel.


New Cloud-Based Radius Demographic and State-County Demographic Tools


We've just released two new tools on our website, ZIP Code Radius Demographics and  ZIP Code Demographics By State or County. These applications operate independently of Excel and can be used a one-time basis without purchasing a software license.


These tools return all of the data items that are available in our free ZIP Code Demographic Report.  With the radius tool, just specify your central ZIP Code and radius distance in miles or kilometers to return demographics for all ZIP Codes which match.  With the State-County tool, just select a state and optional county to return results.  Thousands of ZIP Code entries can be returned at one time in a csv file that loads into Excel.


The tools are priced at $.01 per ZIP Code (in the returned report) with a minimum charge of $9.95.  If you will be doing multiple reports you can use your CDXStreamer account instead which offers significantly lower costs per request.  CDXStreamer accounts can now be used for either the Excel add-in or the new cloud-based tools.


Latest Data Updates


Canadian and U.S. data feeds of CDXZipStream were updated as of January 26.  There were 6 changes made to the U.S. database this month.  If you would like to update your database to reflect these changes, select the "Account" option on the CDXZipStream commandbar and click on "Check for Available Database Updates".  You can then update each database as required.  Please note that updates for the classic version of CDXZipStream have been discontinued.


CDXZipStream updates are a part of the one-year software maintenance subscription included with your purchase.  If you would like to extend your subscription, please sign in to the CDX Technologies website and from the account area for CDXZipStream, select "Buy Data Update".


As always we hope you find the information here helpful for you and your organization.  You can contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.


The Team at CDX Technologies 

January 2018



Map of the World


In This Issue 


Update for TLS 1.2 Encryption Requirement


New Cloud-Based Radius Demographic and State-County Demographic Tools


Data Updates



