New Microsoft Office Macro (VBA) Warnings

Microsoft has recently made security changes will disable spreadsheets that use VBA macros by default unless you take certain steps. If you download our automation templates from the CDXZipStream website you may be initially prompted with the warning “Microsoft has blocked macros from running…”as shown in the picture in the upper right. 

Microsoft is doing this for security concerns so that users downloading unchecked software from the internet are protected. But in doing so they are making valid and safe software products more difficult to use. All of our templates are digitally signed to indicate they come from a trusted source.

There are simple steps you can take to run our templates.  Please see the following Microsoft article on this. On a one-time basis the simplest thing to do is unblock the file and then reload the spreadsheet as described in the article.  Basically the “Ünblock” web mark needs to be removed from file properties.

If you will be repeatedly opening the files the best way to proceed is to copy them to a trusted network or file location.   The download directory is typically not considered trusted.  You can also assign as a trusted website as described in the article. More detailed information on this topic is available from Microsoft in the following technical brief.