Manually Updating CDXZipStream Zip Code Databases
We've previously covered how to install CDXZipStream and use automated database updates in the following blog article. But there are circumstances where Excel is blocked from accessing our servers by either your network security software or anti-virus. Many companies take a better safe than sorry approach to possible intrusive application behavior. So what should you do in this case?

All Zip Code updates can be manually downloaded in your online account. After logging in with username and password the website will display "Account Settings". Click on the CDXZipStream menu down arrow and then choose "Download Data Files". This menu is shown shown in the image above. Then simply click on the database you wish to retrieve and save it in a location you will remember.

Once the database is saved click on the CDXZipStream "Account" button in Excel then choose "Update Manually". Following this, select the file you downloaded and press "Open". The database update will proceed followed by a message indicating success.

You can use this process to keep a history of updates. For instance, should you wish to go to an demographic data set simply update with a previously saved file.