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Welcome to the CDX Technologies April 2019 Newsletter


This week we cover a free Radius Demographics template for CDXZipStream and also the upcoming support of Caliper's Maptitude mapping software.


Here is a link to our latest blog posting:

Fast Distance Calculations with CDXDistance2WP

Free Radius Demographics Template


We now offer a free Excel template that can be used to get key U.S. ZIP Code demographic data for a radius area. The template can be download here.  Demographic data fields provided are: population, median age, median age by gender, persons per household, median household income, and median house value. Demographics are sourced from the 2010 Decennial Census ZCTA data, with the exception of household income and house value, which are from the latest 5-year aggregated data of the American Community Survey.


The template is used with our Microsoft Excel add-in CDXZipStream Demographic, Premium and ACS versions. Just enter a target ZIP Code (which will be the center of the radius) and up to three radius area distances.  An overall radius report summary is provided as well as demographics for each ZIP code within each specified radius.


More information on this template can be found in the following blog article



Support of Caliper's Maptitude Software


We expect to announce in the June 2019 timeframe support of Calipers' Maptitude software with CDXZipStream.  Two new functions, CDXRouteMaptitude and CDXLocateMaptitude, will be added for geocoding and routing.  These functions will work in a similar fashion to those used for Mappoint and Bing Maps.  Existing CDXZipStream customers will be able to optionally add them to any current version of CDXZipStream.


As you may be aware, CDXZipStream originally started with support of Microsoft Mappoint.  Mappoint was discontinued in 2014 and we changed CDXZipStream to support Bing Maps, the recommended replacement by Microsoft.


While Bing Maps offers greater accuracy and worldwide coverage, it is a transaction-based system with a very complex licensing model.  As with Mappoint, Maptitude installs locally on your machine and your only cost is the one- time license fee regardless of the number of times you use it.  Large-scale analysis projects can be performed with Maptitude that otherwise would have been prohibitively expensive with Bing enterprise licenses.  


Latest Data Updates


Canadian and U.S. data feeds of CDXZipStream were updated as of April 26.  If you would like to update your database to reflect these changes, select the "Account" option on the CDXZipStream commandbar and click on "Check for Available Database Updates".  You can then update each database as required.


CDXZipStream updates are a part of the one-year software maintenance subscription included with your purchase.  If you would like to extend your subscription, please sign in to the CDX Technologies website and from the account area for CDXZipStream, select "Buy Data Update".  The maintenance agreement also includes access to the latest version of CDXZipStream. If you are using our discontinued "Classic" version you can upgrade to the current software by purchasing this subscription at a fraction of the list price.


As always, we hope you find the information here helpful for you and your organization.  You can contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.


The Team at CDX Technologies   





April 2019



Map of the World


In This Issue 


Free Radius Demographics Template  


Support of Caliper's Maptitude Software 


Latest Data Updates








Radius Demographics Template Download