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Welcome to the CDX Technologies February 2019 Newsletter


This week we cover how to remove computers from your activation list using the "Deactivation" feature in CDXZipStream


Here is a link to our latest blog posting

ACS Data Feeds Updated with Latest Census Data

How to Deactivate CDXZipStream Installations


We often get requests to remove computers from a user's activation list. Our license allows you to install CDXZipStream on one main and one backup computer per user. Once both activations are used up you will be unable to register new computers.  


We ask that you first try to deactivate existing installations using the CDXZipStream software itself. The latest version of our software allows this, at this direct download link:  



In Excel, select the CDXZipStream menu and press "Account". Then press the Register/Upgrade button and click on "Deactivate This Computer".    



You will then be prompted for a username and password. Enter the same credentials as used for the website and press "Deactivate". You will receive a confirmation message indicating success or failure.


There are no limits on how many times you can do this but remember you are still bound by the CDXZipStream license terms.


We do realize that there are situations where no one has physical access to an old machine. You can send us an email stating the name of the computer and that you certify that this installation is no longer in service.   If you have an active Data Maintenance subscription we will reset the computers for you manually. We will only do this once for each maintenance period.   A subscription can be purchased from the "CDXZipStream" menu of your online account at Please note that with an active maintenance subscription you will also be able to download the latest data updates.


Latest Data Updates


Canadian and U.S. data feeds of CDXZipStream were updated as of February 25.  If you would like to update your database to reflect these changes, select the "Account" option on the CDXZipStream commandbar and click on "Check for Available Database Updates".  You can then update each database as required.


CDXZipStream updates are a part of the one-year software maintenance subscription included with your purchase.  If you would like to extend your subscription, please sign in to the CDX Technologies website and from the account area for CDXZipStream, select "Buy Data Update".  The maintenance agreement also includes access to the latest version of CDXZipStream. If you are using our discontinued "Classic" version you can upgrade to the current software by purchasing this subscription at a fraction of the list price.


As always, we hope you find the information here helpful for you and your organization.  You can contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.


The Team at CDX Technologies 

February 2019




In This Issue 


How to Deactivate CDXZipStream Installations 


Latest Data Updates


